Q: I am a new user and want to subscribe

Complete the new subscription form and payment will be accepted via PayPal.

Q: I had a subscription on the old website, what happened to it?

Member details used to be held in an Excel spreadsheet. Details of active members were imported to this site and a subscription record was created. The username for your subscription is your registered email address. Read more. Imported subscribers may have recieved an email with a temporary password. 

Q: Do I need a subscription to access the Technical Area?

Yes. As has always been the case, you need an active subscription to the ASA. You need to be logged in to see full details of the Technical Articles rather than a synopsis.

Q: My subscription has expired, what should I do?

Login to your account and renew your plan. 

Q: Do I need a PayPal account to subscibe?

No. but it helps. Transactions are handled through PayPal but you don’t need a PayPal account to subscribe or renew. PayPal supports credit checkout without a PayPal account.

Q: What should I do if I don't have PayPal.

Complete the registration form. Save it as a PDF and email it to member services, then wait...


Q: Do I need to create a password for my subscription?

Yes. While much of the site is public, to access the technical area you need to be logged in. The old system did not require login credentials but now you need to create a password for your subscription. You can do that here

Q: I tried to create a password and the system reported "Reset password failed: Invalid email address"

You may not have had an active subscription with the email you are using. Contact member services with your questions.

Q: What is my username?

Your username is your email address.

Q: Why do I have to enter first name, lastname and my full name?

I know its a lot of typing but it makes the system work.